If you have tested your autosomal DNA with AncestryDNA and or 23andMe now you can transfer your DNA Raw data to FamilyTreeDNA for free. Yes, you heard right for FREE. Before you could also transfer for free and would only…
How to Separate Your Maternal and Paternal Matches with FTDNA
With this post, you will learn how to separate your maternal and paternal matches with FTDNA even if you have not tested your parents. This is possible due to a feature that FTDNA has. As you can see these are my results.…
FamilyTreeDNA Projects
In this post, you can learn about FamilyTreeDNA Projects, their purpose, and of how you can use them to network with others. Have you joined a project yourself? If no Let me tell you about them. This is the description…
Getting Started With X-DNA Genealogy Research
In this post, Getting Started With X-DNA Genealogy Research you will find what X-DNA is, links to basic resources, my own X-DNA Chart of Known Ancestors, and how to use Gedmatch's X tool. I do not talk about X-DNA research using…