AncestryDNA tests your DNA using a saliva sample. Your DNA results are then added to a database linked to family trees on their website. Your results are then cross referenced with these trees to search for potential matches. This could help you find unknown relatives and also provide you with a great way to collaborate with others that are interested in genealogy. An Ancestry DNA kit costs $99.00

What You Get

Ethnicity Estimate

AncestryDNA will provide you with your ethnic estimates. The image to your left is a summary of the results. In this section AncestryDNA lets you see your full ethnicity estimate with an option to see all your trace regions.

They even provide you with a global map showing your ethnic regions and also provide you with detailed information about all your regions.​ 

DNA Matches​

You are also provided with DNA matches. These people are genetically related to you. If your tree is very complete and theirs is also AncestryDNA matches the same common ancestors that you may have with them, as "shared ancestor hints". It is a very powerful tool.

If you are barely trying to build your tree or it has been difficult for you, these matches are a gold mine. 

You have the ability to see their family tree, if it is public, and you also have the ability to send them a message through ancestry. Even if their trees are private you can always message them to ask to be granted to view their tree. Just be nice on how you ask.

DNA Circles

A great tool that Ancestry has is called DNA Circles. A DNA Circle is a group of individuals who all have the same ancestor in their family trees and where each member shares DNA with at least one other individual in the circle.

These circles are created directly from your DNA and your family tree. It basically takes out the technical stuff and just provides you with the results of whom you may be related to.

What We Think About AncestryDNA

​If you only have $99.00 to spare on a DNA test and your sole purpose for wanting one it to grow your family tree and or find close and distant cousins to network with. This is the test that you should take. Why? Simply because almost every one has a family tree attached to their account and people are most likely to write back to you when you message them. Almost everyone is interested in Genealogy but there are a few that only took it to find their ethnic estimates.

Is AncestryDNA right for you?​

If you are looking for direct paternal or maternal matches then it is not for you. For the paternal you need a Y-DNA test and for the maternal you need an mtDNA test. 

Now if you are looking to get your ethnicity estimates and possible cousin matches from  all your ancestors then yes this is the test for you. You can click on the button bellow to be taken to AncestryDNA to order your test. 

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